Monday, March 10, 2014

Extreme Couponing-Way of Life or a HUGE Waste of Time?

For those of you who watch cable tv, one of the shows to either get excited about as a way to eat CHEAP or a way out of your current financial situation is EXTREME COUPONING.  Google it.

In my opinion, it's a show about people preparing for an apocalypse, or to look at it another way, hoarders that love FOOD!  The only other possible scenario I could think of is that some of these families are extremely generous to their local communities, or they resell the stuff on Amazon or Ebay.  Saay! Thats a really good idea--you could open up your very own mini-mart! (You may want to get a reseller's license, business license, and have good inventory control practices, to avoid any potential lawsuits from food poisioning!)  Dang!  I just took the fun out of Extreme Couponing!

I was both amazed and disgusted at the sheer resourcefulness at some people to stockpile groceries to rival that of a small grocery store!

Inventory control that would make even the most anal store manager proud and extremely large quantities of products depicted on the show were the results of the hard work and determination of some families to stockpile RIDICULOUS amounts of food capable of feeding a small village for a year!

I wondered what inspired and motivated these people to stockpile such a HUGE amount of groceries and toiletries!

Some reasons that seemed to surface more than the others was that we will soon face a drought, famine, or war, as propagated in major corporate sponsored news channels, movie industry, and cable programming that places emphasis on how screwed up our economy is, and how close to conflict we are with other countries.  IN OTHER WORDS--THE SKY IS FALLING!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!

I personally think that MODERATION is the key to a healthy, happy life!  When you start buying into cable television reality shows, I believe that they create indifference, apathy, and a general lousy outlook on life with the occasional uplifting and motivational scripting thrown in.  As a major corporate sponsor, you would NOT want your target audience to kill themselves TOO quickly!!  You have to keep them coming back for more, and program what you want their hopes and dreams to be!

The corporate model of working hard for many years, getting small but consistent pay raises, and eventually retiring and doing the things you love when your'e older and barely able to do them because you worked yourself in to carpal tunnel syndrome, or arthritis, or any other number of debilitating diseases based on excess, well, that's just a REALLY LOUSY way of treating people (in my opinion)!

Whatever happened to doing what YOU love DESPITE what it pays, or where you have to live to do it?

Have you ever fallen in love with a certain profession as a kid only to have your hopes dashed by your parents or school counselors telling you that you won't make a good living in that profession, or, the profession is saturated, get my point!!

You've probably heard that in your job a time or two!  Don't bother trying for that position, the field is saturated with talent and you probably should just stick with what your'e "good" at!

It kinda leads you to the EXTREME COUPONING lifestyle, doesn't it!!

Given a choice, and if money was NOT an issue, I daresay that MOST if not ALL people wouldn't DREAM of stockpiling ridiculous amounts of food and other items!!  Their mindset would be one of abundance, knowing that there IS plenty to go around, and they don't have to waste their precious time and energy SHOPPING for FOOD!!!

Well, my rant is nearly at an end, but there IS a point to all this!!  You CAN have what you want in LESS time then you EVER thought possible, and I could go on naming famous people throughout history who COMPRESSED time, WENT AFTER what they really wanted with EVERYTHING in their being, and ACHIEVED success in a RIDICULOUSLY short period of time!

Want to know how I am personally COMPRESSING TIME, and GOING AFTER my dreams and desires while helping others achieve theirs?

FIND OUT HERE, watch the video, get started, actually GO through the training with an open mind and see if it makes sense to you!!!

WORD OF WARNING!!!  If you have the bargain hunter's mindset, and don't appreciate a GOOD business education when you see one, then PLEASE DONT click on the link above, and DONT sign up and start complaining!!  Join someone else who cares to listen to your whining!!!

By the way, please look at our AVERAGE EARNINGS HERE, and may your life be FILLED with fun and adventure, and PASSION for what you do!!

Now, THINK BIG and KICK A**!

Make a choice, figuratively speaking) take the blue pill by clicking the link then continuing to buy into corporate America's programming, or TAKE THE RED PILL, and FREE YOURSELF!! (CLICK ON THE IMAGE...)


When You Should Quit Your Job and Just Work for YOURSELF!

How many times have you thought, I should just QUIT and walk right out that door!!! If the answer is more than twice this week, then QUIT ALREADY(just be sure you have a business lined up 1st)!!!

How many times have you made a KICKASS suggestion, and the company has benefited from it, and all you got was a "good job", or a pat on the back without any financial compensation? If the answer is ONCE then just QUIT already and GET PAID for your brilliant ideas!!!

Have you ever put in LONG HOURS, SACRIFICED time for the company, and been 100% dedicated to the company's success only to get your hours cut or get laid off? You NEED to SERIOUSLY re-evaluate your job, and just START A BUSINESS ALREADY!! 

Have you ever lost money in the stock market? Well, I have too, and I cant help you there except to tell you that if your'e going to start a business, don't treat it like a lottery ticket!!

If you have a GREAT JOB with GREAT benefits, then start a side business anyway (just in case)--case in point look at AIG. I sold life insurance WAAY before that company collapsed, and I totally didn't see that coming!!! If you were a top level exec in that company, your reputation went in the toilet for all of the bonuses you kept without really caring about all the people who got you there!

Are you REALLY GOOD at providing a VALUABLE product or service to people? Do you like talking to a LOT of people at once? Well, you cant either rent a stadium, or make YOUTUBE videos to share your vision with people!

Do you want an AWESOME place to start where you can just DIG IN and WORK YOUR ASS OFF and GET PAID for your results WITHOUT breaking the bank? Get started with me and I will PERSONALLY show you the way to make SERIOUS money online! Click the link below and lets get started!!

Now, before you go getting ALL EXCITED and thinking that you can make a hundred grand a month with little to no experience...

Now you know what your'e getting into, and you WANT to build a business and SUCCEED faster than most...